Hello Beautiful,
Truth: You are being divinely guided.
Truth: The Creator always has our backs.
The question is, when you are blessed with guidance, do you know how to listen?
I’m honored to be an instructor and guide in Hay House’s Certified Card Reader Course!
And right now, there’s a new lesson with Colette Baron-Reid and me that will be up on the homepage until Sep 21 at 11:30 AM PT. So, anyone who signs up before then will get access to our exclusive webinar right away.
The Divine is sending you messages all the time—not just during sporadic, rare moments, and not only through gut feelings.
Every single day we are getting guidance through all types of signs and sensations. But most of us don’t recognize these because, well, we haven’t learned how to open ourselves up to receiving them. We also tend to get so caught up in the daily shuffle that we block out these subtle messages.
Sacred oracle cards change all that.
They give us a direct line of communication to the divine—to the angels, guides, ancestors and ascended masters who want to help us navigate our lives and stay on a path of growth and good.
They help us become receptive to divine messages by allowing us to bypass our logical left brains and tap into a deeper well of wisdom that comes through the right side of our brains.
If this type of divine communication is calling to you, check out The Certified Card Reader Online Course, which will teach you everything you need to know to get the Universe’s guidance not only for yourself but also for friends, family and even paying clients.
Learn More about the Hay House Certified Card Reader Course at: TinyURL.com/DivinelyGuided
This course includes me along with 9 other highly acclaimed card-reading experts —Krystal Banner,Colette Baron-Reid, Rebecca Campbell, Kyle Gray, Karen Kay, Rev. Sharon Anne Klingler, Denise Linn, Sandra Anne Taylor and Radleigh Valentine—and contains over nearly 35 hours of teaching; access to live webinars; video, audio and PDF bundles; and even a certification upon completion.
There’s a reason divination is a part of every African spiritual philosophy. What people call #NewAge is actually the most ancient.
The Divine has messages for you.
Learn more on how to access them directly at: TinyURL.com/DivinelyGuided
You can get in right now during the launch period for 60% off.
This special deal for only $199 (that’s a savings of $300) ends on September 27. I hope you’ll consider checking out the magic.
Love and all good things,
Learn more here: TinyURL.com/DivinelyGuided