How can you risk more? Risk being laughed at, risk being rejected and risk making a silly fool of yourself. Risk standing in your power, risk being loved fully and completely, risk solutions and abundance falling from the sky and into your life.


Goddess Energy Reading: New Moon, Mami Wata

We are in a time of powerful transformation. Leo new moon energy plus the Lion’s Gate Portal can be like a tornado. This month, however, this reading will feel counter to energies traditionally associated with the Lioness.

Mami Wata encourages us to be naked, emotionally naked, in order to welcome in the things we desire. Be still and know. This is a potentially scary place to be.

Instead of looking looking for places to put up barriers and boundaries like we often do, seek for places to be vulnerable.

This Month’s Journal Questions:
*Have you asked the Divine for what you want?
*Are you in a place where you can easily receive love, affection, money, help?
*Is there someone you need to have a naked conversation with, putting your heart out there, being more open an honest than you ever have been?
*Do you feel vulnerable?

If you are not risking right now, you are not allowing. If you are not allowing, you are not receiving.

How can you risk more? Risk being laughed at, risk being rejected and risk making a silly fool of yourself. Risk standing in your power, risk being loved fully and completely, risk solutions and abundance falling from the sky and into your life.

Open your heart, open your arms, open your eyes, open your soul and risk.

Mami Wata is not dousing the fire energy of this portal. She is cleansing the way for you to be ignite and ignite.

You are love. You are well-being. You are money. You are blessings. Let everything else fall away and be naked in this truth.

This goddess (you) is on fire. Open.

African Goddess Rising Oracle Cards coming from Hay House. Read about Mami Wata on page 249, in the Temple of Griots, in new book African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy.


Goddess Circle Sister of the Month


Donna Lynne Art with African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy book by Abiola Abrams.

Donna Lynne Art with African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity and Joy book by Abiola Abrams.