Our Big Bombshell Breakthrough year is just warming up here. Since this is a self love site, we are all about living the most empowered and passionate life possible. You can’t do that if you don’t first address your healthy body, the well-being of your emotional state, your spiritual empowerment and your interpersonal relationships with others. That’s why I’m- launching my Love Body Spirit Detox program. In the meanwhile… I have a clean eating whole foods plan to get you going.
Congrats to all of you who have already signed up for the 28-Day Love-Body-Spirit Detox Plan!
Since the plan begins on January 19th, many of you are looking for ways to begin to keep your New Year’s Resolutions and wellness goals. I have a free eBook to help you begin to do just that. Cleansing the body from the inside is not about fat talk or juice-orexia here. Healthy is the new skinny — and you can be Healthy at Every Size. This is simply a 3-Day clean eating whole foods plan with yummy recipes to kick start your new empowered life. Eating well is good self-care.
To get the free 3-Day Eating Plan, just sign up here and download the free eBook.
Please note: If you’re ready to go deeper, definitely sign up for the intensive guided 28-Day program. This 3-Day jump start is a delicious recipe book with tips and advice. It is a Clean Eating jump start NOT a full guided detox like the 28-Day Program.
The 28-Day plan is intense with guided meditations to free you from toxic eating, relationships and emotions, videos, audios, recipe plans, yoga, guest teachers and more.
Get your free “3-Day Yummy Clean Eating” book right here!

Your 28-Day Love Body Spirit Detox Plan Calendar:
- Information Call: Thursday January 9th at 7:30pm.
- The Program Begins: Sunday, January 19th!
- More information about the 28-Day Program here.
- If you’ve heard enough and are ready, you can purchase now here.
What is a Bombshell?
About the 28-Day Love Body Spirit Detox:
Legal disclaimer: Results vary based on individuals, practice, execution and taking responsibility for your own well-being. The testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted and cannot be guaranteed or considered typical. This website is for informational purposes only. Abiola Abrams does not provide medical advice; the same holds true for any entity affiliated with her. Check with your own physician to know what is healthiest for you. This is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or health-care professional. The information and tools on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or diagnose.