Yoni Art Fest is a global art event gathering women around the world to explore, express, and embody their yoni.

Yoni is a Sanskrit word that means sacred gateway. This special word references the sexual anatomy of a woman and the spiritual essence of the Divine Feminine.

Connecting with your yoni is about connecting with the root of your power as a woman both physically and spiritually.

::::Learn more at: yoniartfest.com


Yoni Power - Divine Feminine Goddess


Hello Goddess,

Our collective rebirth is rumbling. With every contraction, the new paradigm is getting closer.

Now more than ever, we’re being called to reclaim our root and rise with our divine feminine power.

It is our time to remember we instinctively know how to birth, we can trust the mystery, we have natural creative intelligence, we can lean on our wildness to navigate these times, our beauty and sensuality are sacred, and we can let our pleasure lead the way.

For all these reasons and many more….

This is why I am inviting you to join me for Yoni Art Fest!

Yoni Power - Divine Feminine Goddess


Yoni Art Fest is happening June 14-18!

During this free 5-day online event, you’ll be guided through daily creative rituals to connect with your yoni.

You’ll learn how to meet the essence of your yoni, how to heal your yoni, how to uncover your own pleasure map, and how to birth yourself through these transformational times.


Thousands of women are gathering for this global art event!

Will you join us?

::::Learn more at: yoniartfest.com


Yoni Art Fest also includes a series of inspirational interviews to hear real life stories and practices to activate your yoni power!

I will be speaking in Yoni Art Fest about womanifesting your power and African Goddess Initiation.

This is a time of personal and collective rebirth. Let’s do this together!

Sign up for Yoni Art Fest now!

::::Learn more at: yoniartfest.com

With love and magic,

The Goddess of Paris Law of Attraction Retreat is about manifesting your miracles, magic and mojo. You have desires, right? It is time to manifest them.