Let’s talk about: How to Write a Personal Mission Statement! Spiritpreneur Unblocked Energy Shift
Day 3 of 14 Ritual: Create a Personal Mission Statement!
You will read this Mission Statement to yourself daily for the duration of this challenge.
If you don’t care where you’re going, then any old road will take you there. Your personal Mission Statement is the Roadmap for Your Life.
Your Personal Mission Statement should answer 3 sacred questions:
- 1) Purpose: What is my life about?
- 2) Values: What do I stand for?
- 3) What are the actions I need to take, in mind, body and spirit, to manifest my answers to the first 2 questions?
Listen to the Mission Statement Lesson.
I spoke about this in Tuesday’s Live Intention Call: (REPLAY HERE) https://soundcloud.com/ab…/make-a-personal-mission-statement
[Soundcloud Audio Link]
Hey Goddess,
Have you seen the beautiful and transformational work that your sisters in this challenge are doing? We are 223 spiritpreneur warrior sisters strong with 77 in our private FB group. Yay us!
I am really enjoying bonding with you in our Facebook Sister Circle. Some of you are on Day 3 and some of you are just getting started. All is well.
You are right on time! Just begin at the beginning and move on through. This is how we shift energy.This is how we become more aligned with our highest and best purpose.
Ok, I feel VULNERABLE sharing this, but here’s my new mission statement!
My Personal Mission Statement is a bit super-sized because I included prayers, intentions and affirmations in it. Since I’m going to be reading it to myself daily, I wanted it to make me feel juiced up….
I wrote it in this beautiful moon phase journal (photo above) from @wevolvebox. Card is from the Womanifesting Goddess Deck.
My Personal Mission Statement:
“What would You have me do?
Where would You have me go?
What would You have me say, and to whom?
It is safe to answer my calling.
It is safe to answer my work.
It is safe to be vulnerable.
It is safe to live my life by my own rules.
I am safe and it is safe to be safe.
My mission is to live my life to the fullest, generously sharing my gifts and talents, with the sun on my face and freedom in my heart. I step up to my life and who I was born to be, leaping over perceived obstacles and enjoying the journey. I aim to use my life as a great daughter, sister, aunt, friend, mother and teacher. I am a student and teacher of life, living abundantly and wholeheartedly. Every day I welcome bliss into my life. I now expand my definition of and my capacity for bliss. I am comfortable being happy. Joy, success, abundance, and wisdom are my nature. My mission is to dream bigger and love myself.”
P.S. Come on over to our Facebook Sister Circle and share your Mission Statement. You can also follow and share on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook — I’m @abiolaTV #spiritpreneur. xoxo