Psychology Today Asks, Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Others? Are You Talking To Me?
Passionista Principle: Beauty is only skin deep but ugliness runs straight to the bone.
Hey Rockstars,
For most of my life I’ve heard, “Wow, you are such a beautiful black woman” and “You’re so pretty to be so dark.”
My perceived physical beauty is somehow seen at odds with my skin color. Why is being a chocolate woman and being beautiful surprising?
Last Summer, I interviewed author Kola Boof who was recently featured on the cover of the National Enquirer as Osama Bin Laden’s mistress.
In my interview Kola revealed that Osama Bin Laden had “the hots” for black women. [video] I was horrified and said something like, “Who gives a damn if a mass murdering terrorist finds black women attractive?” To which my producer, also a strong, brown skinned black woman replied, “Well at least somebody wants us.”
Every other week an athlete, rapper or news report sings the story of black women’s undesirability. This month, Psychology Today thought that it would be bloody brilliant to allow a post by a “scientist” called, “Why Black Women Are Unattractive.” Really, Psychology Today? As if, it is a truth universally acknowledged? The original article by Asian researcher Satoshi Kanazawa, a lecturer from the London School of Economics, has been since deleted. [Find the article Psychology Today removed here.]
What fresh hell is this?
It’s a little bit hard not to feel under attack. I grew up watching enough Arnold Schwarzenegger films to know that attackers don’t always show up inthe face you expect them to. They come bearing a guise of science or love and then before you can say “baby mama,” there they are guns blazing and aiming at you.
In other words, ever since I learned that I was supposed to be some evil black bitch I have been trying not to be that. But I can’t base what I’m gonna be off of somebody else’s woolly fears. These articles, videos, episodes of Nightine and Steve Harvey
?Your beauty is nothing like mine.
Black brown, red skin, big lips, thick nappy hair and wide nose.
Your beauty is nothing like mine. Real swaying hips, genuine thighs, ample backside and big gorgeous eyes.
?Your beauty ain’t like mine, brilliant and curried, sweet potatoed and saltfished, rotied and collard greened.
Your beauty is nothing like mine. Because my beauty in all of it’s many guises – acceptable and unacceptable- classic and fearful- dark and light- your beauty ain’t like mine- because my beauty is just fine.
With or without the men to d
efend it. With or without your pen to end it. With or without your opinion you see, I’m just fine being me.
Weaved Afroed dreaded braided or bobbed; yes I am a beauty snob because Your beauty is nothing like mine.
Because my beauty is not yours to define or criticize.
Your beauty is nothing like mine.
And for this, I am so grateful.