Whoo hoo!
Want to know my vision board secrets? I make visionary boards instead of vision boards. This is all about the art of co-creating and allowing the joy in your life to flow. By the way, all images retain the copyrights of their owners.
Check this out…
Hello Sacred Bombshell,
Pajamas, and eyelashes, and manifesting — oh my!
Our first Sacred Bombshell Visionary Board Pajama Party was off the hook! We had so much FUN.
Our principal goddesses were (no order) my girls Tia Johnson, Sammy Davis, Damali Abrams and Patranila Jefferson. We also had brief cameo playdate moments with Yoli Ouiya and Christelyn Karazin.
Everyone shared their secrets for aligning their intentions with their lives and putting their vision boards on fleek. We also shared our next level visionary boards. In The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love I call it a Big Brave Bombshell Bliss Board.
AWESOME Bonus — Sacred Bombshell Spiritpreneurs Adana Collins, Dayanara Marte, and Tinzley Bradford also shared their beautiful vision boards that they made from the workshop.
Vision Boards by themselves don’t work. In the video playgroup, I reveal what does.
You can still sign up to receive your free guide.
P.S. Check out our Visionary Boards below– and click here to sign up and receive your free guide.
P.P.S. Join my joint vision board on Pinterest and let’s hold a vision for each other!
Abiola’s How to: Make a Visionary Board on Steroids! Photo Gallery
Sacred Bombshell Spiritpreneur Visionary Boards! Show and Tell
What to Wear: Pajamas — It’s a pajama party!
What to Bring: Scissors, Glue, Paper or Board of Your Choice, Pens, Markers, Crayons of Your Choice, AND Something Yummy to Toast with…
>>>And Bring Your Visionary Images:
- 5+ Aspirational Images of the woman you want to be
- 5+ Positive words and quotes
- 5-10 Inspiring personal photos and images from your life, half from the past and half from the present
(Watch the Video Playgroup at the bottom of the post.)
Sammy Davis’ Visionary Boards
From Sammy Davis, bestselling author of “Love Your Life: 7 Secrets to Using the Power of Positive Thinking and Law of Attraction to Create the Dream Life for You“:
Vision boards help to create a clear signal to the universe as to what we wish to create, manifest and attract into our lives.
Vision boards are powerful tools for goal setting and manifestation making. Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon Hill famously said: “Plan your plan and work your plan.”
And that’s exactly why vision boards are so powerful. They are your visual plan displaying what you will energetically focus on for the year, half year or within seasonal increments.
:::Sammy’s site.
Sammy says:
The “I Love Me” vision board is a way to declare these roots so that everyday when you wake up, you are reminded of who you truly wish to be and stand for in the name of the powerful, beautiful, special you here to serve and live in the world as a being of unconditional love.
But unconditional love is not allowing yourself to be used, abused and walked on. Unconditional love is forgiving the person for their trespasses but because you know and rest in this LOVE for yourself, you have the strength to even offer this compassion so that you are not chained to the circumstances via your own bitterness and resent.
Tia Johnson’s Visionary Exercises
Tia Johnson, author of the bestselling To Be Goddess Every Woman Is A Goddess Discover Your Domain In Which You Reign Supreme! says:
Spirit is reminding us to continue practicing in certain areas of our lives. We can easily become eager to reach a new goal quickly but forget that there are things that must happen first.
Let’s practice our manifestation abilities by saying, “I hereby manifest into my life____ for my highest good and I’m ready to receive. “
::::Tia’s website.
Damali Abrams’ Visionary Board & Art Collage In Progress
From Damali, international visual and performance artist:
Added more to this last night feeling the many unseen faeries ushering in this new year :-*
#workinprogress #fae #faery #faeriedust #fairy #fairydust #pixie #pixies #fairies #magic #kuumba #creativity #art #arte #JanelleMonae #DianaRoss #Rihanna #collage #wings #love #AudreyHepburn #meditation #peace #energy #roses #artist #magic #glitter #paper #sparkles #inspired #inspiration
“It’s okay for me to have everything that I want.”
From Damali’s South Korea artist Diary: We had to bow each time we passed a statue of Buddha but she kept reminding us that we are bowing to ourselves not to the Buddha.
::::Vision Board Video from Damali: How to Use Affirmations so They Actually Work
Patranila Jefferson’s Visionary Board
Patranila of The Patranila Project says:
Here’s a slice from one of my vision boards shared tonight on the #SacredBombshell Visionary Board Pajama Party! If you joined us give a shout and if you missed it, go to tinyurl.com/visionaryparty to download your free DIY Guide. Thanks @abiolatv @sammydtv @damaliabrams@tia_johnson & @yoliouiya for making this so much fun!
Dayanara Marte’s Visionary Board
From Dayanara Marte of In Bold ReBirth:
Just finished the #sacredbombshell vision board slumber party on Google hangout and I surprised myself by creating a vision board for my book. I created myself in the process. She who plants seeds and reaps what she sows. I will leave it up to your imagination to create your own story of what I as a best selling distinguished author will have accomplished by next year.
Adana Collins’ Electronic Visionary Board
From Adana of Lovable Treasures:
I came across a program called DreamItAlive. Its a free electronic vision board program that will allow you to use their generic images or upload your own images. You can share your vision with the world or keep it private. And best of all you can download the completed board as image.
Tinzley Bradford’s Visionary Boards

Watch the Video Session…
Excerpt from The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love:
Most of the time we are creating our lives by default. Wo-manifesting is creation on purpose. Being creative – or giving birth to your Self – also means the ability to manifest or create what you want in life. This book, your favorite TV show, the shirt on your back – all started as visions that were manifested and created. Wo-manifesting, or creating circumstances as you desire them to be, is an art form – and a science.
You would probably be hard-pressed to find a successful person who doesn’t believe that our thoughts are powerful. The Law of Attraction mantra “ask, believe and receive” from the documentary The Secret sounds simple enough. For the Biblical folks it’s right there in the Book of Matthew, “And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”
Every religion has similar lessons. Right now you’re probably asking: “So where are all of the riches I’ve been praying for?” Wo-manifesting is a science because there is a prescribed order to co-creating with the Creator of all things. Wo-manifesting is an art because we can never understand all of the mysteries and timing of life. Leaving room for mystery is part of the magic of creation. Taking action is the fusion of masculine and feminine energy needed to give birth to your vision.
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved.
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