Are your money blocks and limiting beliefs around abundance holding you back and sabotaging your growth and evolution?

FREE Unblock My Money Mini-Course and Challenge to get out of your own way now at

Watch! Overcoming Money Blocks

Fun Fact! I made this video in Bali right after my Abundance Pray Love Goddess Retreat…

[YouTube Video Link]

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What is a Money Mindset? Unblock My Money! Giving What You Want to Receive

YAY!! Yes to summer vibes and receiving your abundance and your magic.

For much of my adult life I was steeped in a “spiritual poverty”, “starving artist” and scarcity mindset backed up with beliefs such as “money isn’t spiritual.” I call this “The Sisters of Traveling Brokeness.”

I couldn’t imagine at that time that I could have an eco-luxury retreat in BALI, Indonesia for women lightworkers and leaders, like my Abundance Pray Love Goddess Retreat.

How are YOU sabotaging yourself and playing small when it comes to money?

Need an abundance mindset shift and a money mindset makeover?

New FREE “Unblock My Money” challenge starting in a week… We are celebrating the launch of my upcoming Spiritpreneur abundance course: The Money Mindset Reset Mastermind.

1) Sign up for the FREE Unblock My Money Challenge and Course at

2) You may enjoy a recent money mentality makeover course that I gave in New York City. ::::Click here now for this talk on poverty mindset and scarcity consciousness.

3) Here’s the link to share my video:

Overcoming Money Blocks