Are you a procrastinator? let’s talk about how to stop procrastinating now… We your work in the world so it is time to overcome resistance and get your projects done. Procrastination is not your birthright.

This EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) meditation break to help you overcome procrastination is a good tool for your empowerment toolbox.

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How to Stop Procrastinating Now + EFT Tapping

[YouTube Video Link]


Hey Gorgeous~

Raise your hand if you have ever been a procrastinator?

My hand is up HIGH! 

We spend so much time waiting for INSPIRATION to strike. 

But inspiration means “in spirit.” 

I think about how Michaelangelo said that the statue of David already existed in the marble, and his job was to chip away at the excess.

So what if that magic you are meant to create — that high visibility Spiritpreneur book, course, event, product or service already exists.

Then that would mean that our job is to chip away or release everything else — 

And if you ever need an emergency process to break you out of PROCRASTINATION, JUMP to 24:06 on the video —right now — and any time you need it. 

Abiola signature i


By the way, I have a new FREE Visibility Masterclass for AUTHORS and future AUTHORS.

::::REGISTER NOW… Free Masterclass here:


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How to Stop Procrastinating NOW + EFT Tapping to Take Action