May 2020 break all spells that make you think that you are less than your powerful self!

Womanifesting Goddess Affirmation Card deck available HERE.


Oracle Card Reading for 2020



Oracle Card Reading Transcript

This is an unusual reading because I actually know already what the cards will be. I just did a reading, this is from my would manifest thing, fertility goddess affirmation card deck, and I did this reading in my private Facebook group, a grief healing circle and these cards were pulled in that circle and it was a very potent circle because it was about what we want to release and leave right in this current season as we go into the next season. So you could have all kinds of grief, whether it is grief from losing a, losing a person, but you could also have grief from losing a job. You could have grief from losing a relationship. So this is all about the next stage of your life and what you can expect.

So pick a card, which do you feel most drawn to? Card one card two or card three. And this is a fertility car deck because everything that we’re wanting to call into our lives is about what? Manifesting a sacred creation. And so I usually do a, I read with three decks altogether, but obviously you don’t need to do that in order to do a reading. So have you chosen your card? Okay, great. So this first card is the goddess Oshun, which is a Yoruba Orisha. And these cards, because they are concept their fertility cards, again, all about creation. Fertility can mean giving birth to a person, but it can also mean giving birth to a book, a song, a dream, a business. And so this card is all about conception. So this next stage for you will be a stage of conception and focus on sacred beauty.

It could mean you, the project that you’re bringing into the world is very beautiful to you. The project that you’re conceiving of, it could mean that you are coming into appreciation of the beauty of whatever it is that you have created or are going to create. Now the affirmation is I’m a divine daughter, blessing mother, and a sacred bombshell. And in my last book, “The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love,” I reclaimed the word bombshell to meet a woman who loved, honored and cherished herself.

So this is very much a card about self love, a card about giving birth really to yourself, which I I’ve said all the time, uh, that my great grandmother who was a midwife, women’s fertility healer and in South America, in Guyana where my family is from that she helped women give birth to their babies. And my calling is to help us to give birth to ourselves.

So this is very much a self love card. So you are entering into a season of self love and self care and your things that you’re wanting to birth are going to come from that. Pay attention to yourself, love up on yourself, see the sacred beauty that you are in the sacred beauty that you have come to create. Whether again, it’s a book, a business, a relationship, a child, you will know what it means to you. Okay. So moving on to this next card will manifest your destiny if you chose this card. Yes, it is goddess Kichijoten and this is a Japanese deity and this card is all about courage. This card says that you are in a stage of nurturing. It’s a nurturing card. You are in a stage of nurturing something that you want to have the courage to birth.

See, the cards are this. See how this is a conception card. The cards go in the stages of birth, so they’re conception, gestation, birth and nurturing. Nurturing actually is the phase after birth to continue to keep whatever it is that you’ve created. Healthy to keep whatever is that you’ve created, strong and viable, so have the courage. Do you have the courage to take things to the next level and as you you can see the affirmation on this card is I have the courage to do whatever it takes. Do you have the courage in order to continue to nurture what it is that you are, have created or have birthed? Courage. The courage card, that’s really, really powerful. As you can see, she’s holding a heart because “Courage” means full heart. And there’s the wise owl representing a knowledge and everything that you already know, but you see the other bird there and the eyes, the things that you’re hiding from and pretending that you don’t know when indeed do.

Oracle Card Reading - Womanifesting Goddess Affirmation Cards

All right. You know what I’m talking about? If I’m talking to you. And then we have our third card, which is the goddess Inanna. Okay? So the goddess Inanna, who is a Babylonian warrior goddess, also a nurturing card. And her affirmation is I am a fierce mama warrior. I am a fierce mama warrior. And this card is all about strength.

So maybe you have built something or created something, whether again, it’s a business or relationship that is in a perilous situation and it’s going to require you being a fierce mama warrior to hold onto it and nurture it and take it to the next level. It’s going to require your strength in a way that you never have felt called to before. So that is our reading. And the reason why I start out saying that it was an unusual reading is because in the circle, I actually pulled the first card. The second card was pulled by a member of the group. She picked the, uh, the card out of the deck. And then the third card jumped out at us. So it’s a mix of mixed reading, but you know, which card, if it was meant for you, exactly what you need to be doing in this next season of your life.

Womanifesting Goddess Affirmation Cards by Abiola Abrams