You are a visionary so you should have a vision for your life!
Do you have a vision statement or mission statement for your life or business?
Before we get started on a vision board, let’s talk about a vision statement!
It is 12 Days of Blissness, Day 6. Whoo hoo!!
What’s Your Mission Statement?
Hey Goddess~
Happy Late Night Tuesday!
You are a visionary.
That means that you have a vision for your life and business, right?
Except that many Spiritpreneurs don’t — and are kind of winging it, flying by the seat of their pants.
Want another way?
By popular demand, tomorrow we start with our annual spiritual business vision board making in the Spiritpreneur Facebook Group.
But unless you have a clear mission statement, or at least a clear vision statement, you’re not as focused as you can be going into a new year.
I talked about this today — and Facebook cut me off at the end, but you can still catch the tea.