Need a meditation and healing break? Click HERE listen to Episode 31 of Nikki Woods’ Move: A Podcast Magazine for Women. You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, iHeart, Stitcher, Spotify, and many other platforms.

Move Podcast - Abiola Abrams JPG


Nikki Woods Interviews Me on ‘Move’ Podcast

[Audio Link]


It was an absolute pleasure being on my goddess sister Nikki Woods’ show “Move: A Podcast Magazine for Women.”

Great news! The 31st episode of the podcast is LIVE!

This episode features my Meditation and Healing segment.

Click HERE listen to Episode 31!

Move: A Podcast Magazine for Women can be streamed on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, iHeart, Stitcher, Spotify, and many other platforms.

Here is the podcast’s linktree web link that will direct you to each of the streaming platforms:

They kindly encourage you to Subscribe, Rate, and Review the podcast!

Move Podcast
Instagram: @movepodcastmagazine
Facebook: MovePodcast