Ready to create your own signature program?

Finally! A program-building class that is ONLY for US, for you, the Spiritpreneur Goddess Lightworkers…

JUST for the soul-based life coaches and consultants, sacred bombshell healers, earth angel entrepreneurs & professionally creative indigo daughters!

I know… Many of us are outsiders and weirdos in mainstream business programs but WE are ALL about turning your PURPOSE and PASSION into your Spiritpreneur Signature Program and product. Here we know that success and abundance is your birthright.
You are here to find your voice and answer your calling. This is about serving your tribe from your platform in a bigger way.

Sacred Business Academy - Spiritual Business Coaching for Entrepreneurs

Hey Sacred Bombshell,

QUESTION: What is the mental, emotional, and financial cost of YOU being in THE EXACT SAME PLACE a year from now?
It is TIME.
Announcing my new 4-week mastercourse:
Yes — I will hold your hand as you create your very own signature program. 
  • WE BEGIN THIS FRIDAY (yup – this Friday, gorgeous!) so that you will be ready to launch your own program by Winter or Spring 2016!
That’s right, goddess. We are not playing around.
This is an EXCITING 4-module digital course with live weekly group strategy sessions with ME.
BIG LOVE to ALL of my Goddess Gurus who took advantage of my earlybird offer and already pre-registered to “Create and Sell Your Own Spiritpreneur Signature Program.” You made a powerful decision. It’s going to be fun to see you launch your programs, and turn your mission into a movement.

Here’s how to answer your calling, grow your reach, serve your tribe in a greater way — and increase your abundance!

Want to learn more? Click here now

This is about serving your tribe from your platform in a bigger way.

Abiola Abrams, Empowerment Guru for Women
Learn More About How to Create Your Own Coaching Program


Just for Soul-Based Coaches, Goddess Lightworkers, Healers, Creative Geniuses & Sacred Bombshell Entrepreneurs

You CAN Create Products and Programs That Not Only Bring In Passive Income, But Also Have New Clients Pounding Down Your Virtual Door

If you’re still struggling to grow your tribe or income by trading dollars for hours, listen up…

  • There’s no escaping that the bulk of your income is probably made from trading dollars for hours.
  • The same is true for nearly all coaches, in any specialty.
  • That’s just how the industry works, right?

But that doesn’t mean it’s not frustrating, right?

You’ve probably bumped up against an income ceiling you didn’t like, or suffered with a serious income drop every time you wanted to take a vacation. Again, that’s often seen as just the nature of the business.

how to create your own program - coaching


You can work more, or raise your hourly rates.

Again, working more is really only an option in the short term. You might be able to pull off a few weeks or even months of nose-to-the-grindstone work, but eventually, you’ll hit a wall.

Everyone does.

And yes, you could raise your rates. In fact, you’re probably due for an increase right now, if you’re like most spiritpreneurs, but that will only take you so far, too.

Your market has a limit, and once you reach it, there will be no more hourly rate increases until you reach super-star status that is.

But there is another way…

Learn More About this Digital Program for Spirit Junkies and Spiritual Gurus

Passive Income Streams Make It Possible For You To Earn More While Working Less

You may be thinking that passive income is BS. I used to think the same thing…

SO, what exactly is passive income?

The real definition of passive income is not money you don’t work for, goddess, but money you work for once, and get paid over and over again.

For example, when you write a book, you bust your booty in your creative process for weeks, months, years or whatever, but once it’s complete, those sales that come in are “passive.”

Passive income is an option no matter what your niche is. The only question is, then, how can you put this powerful income generating strategy to work in YOUR business?

And here’s where a lot of us spiritpreneurs get it wrong…

Free Class for Coaches, Healers, Gurus

Quality Trumps Quantity Every Time

We’ve all seen the guru who seems to have dozens of products available all the time. It’s a confusing mish-mash of options that – rather than increasing sales – actually dilutes the overall message.

You don’t have to have lots of options. You just need one big kahuna. Your signature product.

This is the key to your passive income dreams. It’s what will grow your audience, increase your market share, and increase your profit margin.

And it will do it all without you having to work a gazillion hours continually producing more and more products.

Abiola Abrams Chicago Ideas Week

How to Create YOUR Signature Product and Move Toward Passive Income 

In this 4-module course, I’ve taken the guesswork out of planning, producing, and launching your signature product.

  • We’ll take you from confused coach to crystal clear action taker in just a few short hours, so you can put together a solid offer that your ideal client will simply not be able to resist.
  • When you finally learn what your clients want and need (and most importantly, what they’ll pay for) you’ll be well on your way to realizing not only your income goals, but your lifestyle goals as well.

It all starts with Module One, where we’ll lay the groundwork and help you figure out exactly what YOUR winning idea is…

Register for the Life Coaches Class - Create Your Own Program

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