Get your Womanifesting Goddess Affirmation Oracle Cards here [link]…
SNOW DAY READING || One of the easiest 2 card readings you can do with affirmation, oracle or tarot cards is (Card 1) What’s blocking you or holding you back? (Card 2) How to remove or resolve the issue or block?
So we have Goddesses Ayida Wedo and Yemaya. A powerful combination.
If you’re seeing this post, it’s not by accident. This reading tells us that the block fear of the unknown, or fear of not knowing what comes next. In other words, the need to be in control is blocking your blessings. Affirm with the energy of goddess Ayida Wedo, “I joyfully embrace and respect the unknowable. I am secure.” Yes, you are safe and it is safe to be safe.
The solution is to let go– we have all heard let go and let God, right? So this reading is a reminder to surrender. Let go. Release the need to know the how. Let the universe worry about the how. Get clear on your gifts, talents and offerings.
As Yoruba goddess Yemaya in this deck affirms: “I let go of what is for what is for what will be.” You also may want to affirm: “I release guilt, blame and shame.”
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Get your Womanifesting Goddess Affirmation Oracle Cards here [link]…