Award-Winning Personal Development Guide for Amazing Women… 

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The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self Love by Abiola Abrams

It’s Time to Step into Your Greatness

If you’ve been looking for a sign, this is it.

The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love is your wake-up call to stop being just a survivor. You deserve to thrive. Consider this a vision quest to the center of yourself. ESSENCE advice columnist, motivational speaker and Love-Body-Spirit™ coach Abiola Abrams reveals the “11 Forbidden Secrets” to activate your feminine power. Why is it that a woman living in her joy is seen as suspicious? Abiola reclaims the word “bombshell” to mean a woman who embodies her power in mind, body and spirit, takes ownership of her life and relishes the journey.

Even with the advances of the past 40 years, women report feeling unhappier than ever before. Abiola calls this feeling a Dry Life Crisis, having faced her own challenges from a failed marriage to disordered eating. Trying to numb with food and work, Abiola realized that she was really hungry for her true self and her own divine feminine energy. This healing revelation allowed her to release 55 unhealthy pounds and claim her calling although her work as a spiritual teacher started with her acclaimed theater show “Goddess City” over 10 years earlier.

Abiola has spent her career empowering women emotionally, culturally, mentally, sexually, socially and spiritually with her writing, multimedia (TV/film/web) projects and events. Her great-grandmother was a midwife in Guyana, South America and she is the Midwife for Your Bombshell Breakthrough Life.

After years of coaching, advice questions and motivational workshops, Abiola presents this sacred bombshell blueprint — with heartfelt self-love lessons like ‘how to deal with fear,’ historical bombshells like Zora Neale Hurston, brazen challenges like ‘Yoni Power,’ spiritual tools like guided meditation, yin exercises like ‘Full Moon Magic’ and journal therapy to help you become the woman you were born to be. In our masculine energy, go-go-go, fear-of-missing-out world, we are all starving for “femenergy.”

This empowerment playbook is for the woman who has everything going for her except what she really wants. Bershan Shaw, life coach and Oprah Winfrey Network star, writes the Foreword. The Invocation blessing is given by Donna D’Cruz, meditation guru and Deepak Chopra collaborator.


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African American Literary Awards - Best Black Self-Help Books

 Best Self Help Book Literary Awards

The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love Wins Best Self-Help Book!

Love Body Spirit Coaching and Relationship Advice Column

Do you feel stuck?

 Are you tired of playing small?

With “everything you have going for you” is something still missing?


Abiola AbramsYou will Learn:

  • Why nothing matters more than you feeling good;
  • How to use “self-being” when you can’t get to self-love;
  • Who needs blisspower and blissipline;
  • How being ‘full of yourself’ conquers the Inner Bully;
  • Why vision boards don’t work and what to do instead;
  • How activating intuition makes you powerful beyond measure;
  • Where to tap into your ‘femergy’ for wo-manifesting;
  • How to make beauty a spiritual practice and so much more…


“Come closer, gorgeous. Slip off your heels. This book is not for everyone. I wrote it just for you.”

xo, Abiola

Love Body Spirit Coaching and Relationship Advice Column


Sacred Bombshell Meditation Break


About the Sacred Self-Love Book

About Your Sacred Bombshell Coach

Abiola Abrams is not your mother’s self-esteem guru. You’ve seen The Bombshell Whisperer’s self-love and relationship laser coaching on networks from MTV to The CW and read her positive advice in columns from Essence to Abiola wrote her debut novel Dare (Simon & Schuster), about a woman learning to love herself, while she was a BET host. Her award-winning art films and videos examine taboo social issues.

As a journalist focusing on women’s empowerment Abiola has spun her ‘femergetic’ magic as a writer, broadcaster and producer. The personal development coach and speaker is the founder of an award-winning blog and web TV series. Find Abiola’s Bombshell Breakthrough System Coaching, classes, affirmation cards and podcasts here on this site.
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Praise for Abiola Abrams

“Officially a goddess…” – Diva Scribe Magazine UK

“Are you in need of an intimacy intervention? Just ask Abiola!” –Essence

“Read on to find out more about Abrams’ fearless approach and limitless aspirations. We dare you.” –Uptown Magazine

“Multimedia maven Abiola Abrams is a one-woman show that has taken the web and beyond by storm.” –Black Enterprise

“Abrams is spreading her gospel of empowering people culturally, emotionally, sexually and politically across every possible media platform.” – Paper Magazine

“One daring writer.” –African American Literary Book Club 



Photo: Liz Nikols

Photo: Liz Nikols

Where to Buy The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love


You can buy the book on Amazon, Apple’s iBooks, or Barnes and Noble.

The book is available for an ebook for any platform and a print book.


For booksellers, bookstores, schools, and retailers

To order the book in bulk:

  • Call (615) 793-5000 x27627.
  • The title is “The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love” by Abiola Abrams.
  • The book’s ISBN number is 978-0966070781.


Sacred Bombshell Academy  

Photos by Ken Jones Photography.

Cover Design by Lan Gao.


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