Never Worry about feeling INVISIBLE & BROKE with your EMPOWERMENT BUSINESS Again

What is the Spiritpreneur® Visibility Lab?
Learn the EXACT high visibility marketing, mindset & money strategies I used to grow my spiritual business from scratch...
It all starts with the courage to be seen.
During my first year in my business, I felt like I sat in front of the computer just waiting for people who wanted to hop on strategy calls with me...
Every time I would finally get a "ping", I got giddy with excitement!
Usually, it was just an newsletter from other coaches in my space who were rocking it, reminding me of how much a of a loser I felt at the time.
...I KNEW my work was good because whenever I finally got clients, they were experiencing huge transformations.
But i hated selling and had no idea how to market myself.
If I was going to make this into a full time career that could support my family, I needed to figure out how to get more people to know about my business, because whatever I was doing just wasn't working.
Fast forward a few years and I now receive tons of emails with requests for me to speak, write, be interviewed, and MORE.
Plus most importantly, my amazing soulmate clients find me -
And I am able to work with the best people worldwide.
I don't share that to brag. I share that because if you feel like me where you MUST get your message into the world, if I have done is, you can too.

What changed?
I learned how to build systems that generate leads on autopilot.
But more on that in a second, you see...
Most Spiritual Businesses Don't Fail Because Of Their Messages
They fail because they struggle with the demands of trying to get the word out and running a business and focus only on building on your beautiful gifts as a coach, healer, or creative guru.
It's not your fault though...
I used to think this way too.
It makes perfect sense to think that if you keep improving at your gifts that booking your soulmate clients would become easy.
When it comes down to it, amazing work won't save a invisible business.
When you have consistent stream of soulmate clients wanting to work with you, two amazing things start to happen.
You are only one post away...
There's actually an explosion of opportunity... if you know how to raise your visibility to market your services.
Hey Gorgeous,
My name is Abiola Abrams.
I started out feeling invisible and voiceless.
Then in the past couple of years I built a thriving, global spiritual business, appeared on networks from the CW to the Discovery Channel, spoke at universities like Cornell and corporations like Dropbox, held workshops for engaged audiences from London to the Bahamas and hosted my own retreats from Bali to Paris.
And I almost forgot that I've been a brand ambassador for brands like The Gap, won Best Self-Help Book at the African American Literary Awards, launched my own products like affirmation cards and meditation albums, and get to work with the most incredible soulmate clients in my very own Spiritpreneur® Guru Academy.
I share this because I am just like you. Just a girl who has a calling to change the world in my own tiny way.
If I can get out there and share my voice, so can you.
This is so important -- because I have a message that I urgently need to get to my soulmate clients.
It has nothing to do with me.
It's all about the message.
Now I want to show you how you can do the same, and it all starts with the courage to be seen.
But before we get to that...
I want to address some common myths that spiritual entrepreneurs like us have ....
![Abiola Abrams Assemblage Speaker Meditation Teacher sm Empowerment Speaker and Spiritual Lifestyle Expert - Do You Have a Scarcity Mindset or Abundance Mentality? [Video]](

Watch the Video!
The Power of Visibility Marketing...
Myth #1
You have to be the cheapest coach to attract clients.
I'm going to start with this one, because it's the one that hurts us most.
Whoever competes on price loses.
They lose because it's not sustainable. It's the race to the bottom.
The results may mean you book coaching sessions, but at those bottom rates you would have to work with so many people that you will burn out, hate work, struggle with personal life balance and rob yourself of the joy and FREEDOM of owning your own spiritual business.
How much you charge is a reflection of your own self worth and the quality of your brand.
The right clients are happy to pay premium prices if you're delivering value.
Myth #2
People hire you as a coach, consultant or healer, based on the quality of your work.
While you do need to be a good practitioner who ethically can help create the transformations you promise, the quality of your work is usually not the factor that is losing you potential clients.
Too many of us focus energy on the wrong things and ignore the only thing that really matters...
Alignment with your WHY.
That's what separates you from everyone else.
It's the reason they book YOU instead of someone else.
WHY do you do what you do?
When you focus on making your WHY the center of your brand, you get to show your own heart.
This builds trust and relationship.
I shifted my entire business to emphasize that single belief.
...and that's when things exploded.
Myth #3
You have to have a million followers and post daily on every platform to get known. You have to be a loud, flashy, high fashion extrovert to get noticed.
With visibility marketing you get to be you with a focused, dedicated following who is passionate for what you have.
Why "Hope Marketing" Isn't Enough
Most coaches, healers and consultants depend exclusively on "word of mouth" and random social media posts to drive the growth of their business.
Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool to generate leads, especially when you understand that you have real control over it...
However word of mouth and social media are limited ways to get coaching and healing clients.
I was never comfortable with the fact that I was putting the success of my company in OTHER PEOPLE'S HANDS.
That's why I've invested time perfecting Sacred Visibility Marketing for entrepreneurs like us.
And the good news is, these high visibility marketing systems can be copied in your own spiritual business so that you can start taking control of your own marketing.
...even if you are terrified to put yourself out there
...even if you nobody knows who you are
...even if you introverted or shy
...even if you've never made a dime
...even if you're not a technical person
...even if you don't have a "marketing budget"
The Spiritpreneur® Academy presents

Here's what's included...
High Visibility Module 1 - BRAND BIG OR GO HOME




High Visibility Module 5 - PITCHING PODCASTS, PRESS & MEDIA

High Visibility Module 6 - VIDEO ROCKSTAR YOU

High Visibility Module 7 - STORY-SELLING

High Visibility Module 8 - YOUR SIGNATURE OFFER


What Real People Are Saying About Working with Abiola

"If you’re thinking about doing a retreat or even just working with Abiola on your business or any other adventures with her, don’t think about it, just stop thinking, go do it. You won’t regret it."

"If you’re ready to stop making excuses."
"When I started coaching with Abiola, I was dissatisfied with my body and the direction of my life in general. I was in a rut that I didn't know how to get out of. Through my coaching session with Abiola I was able to figure out the steps necessary to live the type of life I've always wanted. These days, I'm down 40 pounds, working a job that I like, and producing the type of art I can be proud of. If you're ready to stop making excuses and to start making changes, I highly suggest working with Abiola."

“Abiola’s essence can be summed up in four words: beautiful, goddess, positive and energy. She is not only beautiful inside and out, she has an amazing positive upbeat energy. She has the natural ability and magnetism to make each and every woman feel absolutely amazing and confident enough to draw out her own Bombshell Diva.”

"Abiola will help you create the business that you’re looking for!"
“Through intense homework, discussion, probing questions that forced me to dig deeper, think harder and touch on uncomfortable spots in my own blind spots when it came to how I felt about myself as a business woman. I’ve been able now to see the prospects and the vision of my blog. She’ll be able to help you create the business that you’re looking for. Abiola listens, she refocuses and re-frames. And she gives you the tough love with always a smile when you need to rethink and reconsider. Abiola has given me such hope and such belief in myself as a business woman that I highly, highly recommend working with her if you want to really see changes in yourself.”

“Abiola has a beautiful, uplifting energy, and the ability to help many people with the work she does.”

"So Miss Abiola challenged me to make $10,000 in three weeks. I’m going to go look up when my hot seat was because for the first time ever just signed an $11,000 client. Whaat the fuck? I’m so worthy and deserving and I so love this woman. She’s amazing. I am so excited and I’m coming here to celebrate because Abiola you are fucking magic. I knew it but now I really know it. I’ve never made that much. I mean I had to raise my prices. I have been spring cleaning on raising my prices. I have been doing all these things like looking into the shame, looking into the charge on why I don’t want to raise my prices, all this stuff. Thank you, Abiola!"

"Everything you need to start, grow, run, and improve your business!"
"Before I started with working with Abiola I was signing up for every freebie there was about how to grow my business all the while having a lot of fear around actually growing my business. The Spiritpreneur® Warrior Business Sisterhood has everything you need (seriously...everything you need) to start, grow, run, and improve your business in a way that is in alignment with your heart and soul. In addition to aligned business know how, Goddess Abiola is tuned into the energy of the group and the Universe and provides the mindset and heartset support that you need at all of the right times."

"An impactful journey in helping, guiding & coaching countless women."
"Abiola Abrams puts her heart and soul into her passionate mission to empower women. Her varied and multiple skills include major business savvy, TV & social media presentation, along with a depth of wisdom, soul and magnetic presence that is here to make a profound difference. This is reflected in her impactful journey in helping, guiding & coaching countless women. I consider myself very blessed to be working with her."

“What can I say about the amazing Abiola Abrams?!I have learned so much while working with her! Abiola has provided me with the tools to look within in order to run a successful business. The tools that she provided are all heart-centered given with a firm approach. Her Spiritpreneur® advice and savvy is easy to follow and understand.”

"Abiola Abrams laser coached the group as the keynote speaker. This empowermwnt coach had people crying and thinking me for allowing Abiola to open their hearts. Her gift is heaven-sent, and I thank her for being a of my annual Women’s Empowerment event. I am thankful, blessed, and happy that she has made it that much more of a success."

“Abiola Abrams took us by storm with an in-depth program on how you can motivate and develop your inner “me” and learn how to make transformation happen for yourself. If you need some healing, some motivation, some direction on personal life issues, then working with Abiola is for you!

"When you want to manifest something that is your calling, the right tools and the right knowledge..."
"Before the program, I felt like I was just tip toeing around everything. When I saw the Spiritpreneur® Program, I jumped at it. I had to join. I would say now that I’m very confident in who I am and sharing my story, the good, the bad, the ugly. It’s been definitely a transformation and I’m a lot more comfortable showing up and being authentic and not really caring about who doesn’t like it. This is a beautiful process and I have taken some giant steps forward. "

"If you get the opportunity to work with this woman, take it!"
"Working with Abiola has literally saved my life. This woman is beautiful and generous and thoughtful and healing. If you are feeling overwhelmed about your direction and where to go next, get a coach! Get this coach. If you get the opportunity to work with this woman, take it! When I first called her, she didn’t know that I was in tears. Working with Abiola has made every difference for me."

"I tried other coaching and business programs and never got anywhere. The Spiritpreneur® program rocks."

“Abiola’s non-judgmental approach allows her to sincerely listen and give empowering and insightful feedback. She speaks to the Queen that we each have inside of us. Abiola is someone I am very blessed to know and work with.”

“My whole business is different because of this woman. I am grateful for our sisterhood. Every coaching session and every ounce of motivation and encouragement over the years has had an impact in so many ways!”
“Just complete love and light and very insightful... Abiola was able to pull things out of me...”
"I was hoping for a new beginning with this adventure. I can't even begin to describe what the retreat was like. It was beyond transformational, at least for me. It was all that I expected and more and all that I needed and more. Abiola's sessions were just complete love and light and very insightful. Where I couldn't see things, she was able to pull things out of me that was like, 'oh yeah. And that actually makes sense.' And, and she, she's able to see us individually and help tweak what we're trying to get out.".
~ Danielle Desire
“Helping me step into my abundance and power...”
"Abiola challenged me to make $10,000 in 3 weeks. And for the first time ever just signed an $11,000 client. Whaat the fuck? I’m so worthy and deserving and I so love this woman. I am so excited Abiola, you are fucking magic. I knew it but now I really know it. I’ve never made that much. I mean I had to raise my prices. I have been doing all these things like looking into the shame, looking into the charge on why I don’t want to raise my prices, all this stuff. Thank you, Abiola!”
~ Enchantress Shane Kulman
“Clarity for my vision, my intention and my purpose....”
"I really was ready for that next step, ready to really dig deep and find clarity for my vision, my intention and my purpose. And I was able to accomplish that while while here. This was my first retreat - so I've definitely set the bar high. I can only imagine what next year will be like. But knowing, knowing Abiola and her beautiful spirit, I know that it will be 10 times as amazing as it was this year."
~ Dani Thompson
Wealth Empowerment Specialist
Wait, there's more!
When you invest in this course today, you'll unlock the following limited time bonuses...
Bonus #1 - Coaching Business in a Box Kit ($497 Value)
It may seem like everyone is a life coach of some kind, but every coach does not have a successful coaching business.

Bonus #2 - Podcasting in a Box Kit ($197 Value)
Did you know that podcast listenership grew by 23% in 2016, and that it has grown 73% since 2013? While the idea of a "podcast" was still kind of new a few years ago, currently one in three American said they've listened to at least one AND as mobile use continues to explode, so does podcast listening.

Bonus #3 - Author in a Box Kit ($497 Value)
Writing a book about you is a powerful way to reach your tribe and to establish credibility and instant authority .
And most importantly, writing a book is a way to share your story and knowledge and connect with your soul mate tribe.

Bonus #4 - Social Media in a Box Kit ($197 Value)

Bonus #5 - *Paid in Full Bonus Only*
Two Exclusive 1:1 Spiritpreneur® Visibility Coaching Sessions with Abiola ($1,000 Regular Rate)
We can use these sessions to do a visibility audit of your current business, solve your major challenges OR to map out your Visibility Funnel and plan.

The 48-Hour
I’ve put a lot of time into this course and I’m completely confident that you’ll love it, but buying products online can be scary... You never know exactly what you're going to get.
That's why my course comes with a 48-hour 100% satisfaction guarantee.
If you think there's a even "slight chance" that this program will help you raise your visibility and grow your spiritual business, you should enroll today.
All the risk is on me to deliver, as it should be.
Are you happy with where you're at
with your spiritual business?
Follow up question...
What are you doing to change it?
Take a moment and think about where your empowerment business is RIGHT NOW and where you want it to be 3 months from now...
...6 months from now
...a year from now.
And then ask yourself...
Do you have the tools you need to get there on your own, or would you like a partner along the way?
Someone who has been where you are and knows WHAT WORKS and what doesn't.
This course is a shortcut to learning what has taken me years of trial and error.
Ready to invest in yourself?
Goddess of Influence
The Visibility Mindset, Marketing Lab

All fees are in United States currency.
*Late payment fees: $48 per 7 days of late payment.
Spiritpreneur® Visibility Lab
Mindset, Marketing, Money
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
Don't see what you're looking for? Email
Need a phone call? Just ask!