Let’s talk about business courage!
Do you subscribe to HARO, Help a Reporter Out? I was pleasantly surprised when someone sent me that they posted this today about the first African American woman millionaire, Madam CJ Walker. She’s a great Bombshell Business role model.
“Today, we celebrate the 147th birthday of Sarah Breedlove, who came to be known as Madam C.J. Walker. Born in Delta, Louisiana, she grew up to become America’s first female self-made millionaire. Orphaned at the age of seven, she learned very quickly how to rely on herself for a steady income, making a little more than a dollar a day. With insight from her four brothers (who were all barbers), and knowledge from her experience working for Annie Turnbo Malone, Sarah began experimenting with hair care remedies on her own. Determination and hard work paid off when Sarah changed her name to Madam C.J.
Walker and launched her own business, starting with the infamous product, Madam Walker’s Wonderful Hair Grower. As the founder of one of the largest black-owned manufacturing companies, an early civil rights advocate, and a financial supporter of historically black colleges and universities, Madam Walker sure did leave a legacy behind!”
Hey Sacred Bombshell,
Whoo hoo! It’s Madam CJ Walker’s birthday as we prep for a new year. I am dedicated to helping Big Vision Women — our Business Bombshells and heart-centered entrepreneurs — change the world. Amongst other things, that will take business courage.
Here are the Walker Foundation’s favorite “Boss Quotes” from Madam CJ Walker. To be a self-made black woman in her time was an extraordinary feat. Let’s think of her whenever we want to make excuses.
Madame CJ Walker’s Boss Quotes
Boss Quotes on Being Boss:
“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.”
Boss Quotes on Romantic Partnerships:
“When we began to make $10 a day, my ex-husband thought that was enough, thought I ought to be satisfied. But I was convinced that my hair preparation would fill a long-felt want. And when we found it impossible to agree, due to his narrowness of vision, I embarked on business for myself.”
Boss Quotes on Being a Community Leader:
“I am not satisfied in making money for myself. I endeavor to provide employment for hundreds of the women of my race.”
Boss Mantra:
“Perseverance is my motto.”
“Boss Life! How to Stop Playing Small and Rock Your Success”
I see you. You have a vision for your life. There is something big that you want to do. Something huge you came to say. Some kind of magic you were born to make.
We know you. We are you.
There’s just one tiny problem. Actually it’s not a problem because it’s easy fixable. Let’s call it a challenge.
If I was a teacher grading your paper, I might write that you are not living up to your potential. You are not living up to your business potential. Why not? Many reasons, but the excuses stop here. While I’ve been on book tour with “The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love” I have had so many Sacred Bombshell women tell me that they want to live their dreams.
My visionary sisters, this one is just for you. It’s time to manifest what you want and reinvent your own life.
In our celebrity driven culture, it can be a challenge to keep your eyes on your own “paper.” Beyonce Knowles and Oprah Winfrey are impacting the world in huge ways, but their ways don’t have to be yours. It can be daunting to compare your life to celebrities and super stars. So many of us have FOMO and what I call, “Death by LOL,” because social media is showing us only other people’s show off moments. Be focused on your self. You are the only one you’re competing with.
If you cannot clearly see it, chances are slim that you can be it. Have a clear vision for what you want to do and who you want to be. Cultivate this vision. Literally close your eyes, get quiet, and see yourself in the job, running the business, releasing the unhealthy weight, or whatever your big dream is for you. Visualization is used to train both astronauts and athletes because our bodies can not tell the difference between you imagining something an you living it. Visualization sets your mind in motion to figure of the “how.”
You’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times. Those who have written goals tend to be more successful. Write down exactly the life you want to live. This is not a blueprint written in stone, however. You still have to be flexible and open to the fact that All That Is may be dreaming a much bigger dream for you then you have for yourself. Writing down your goals also helps you get clear on whether opportunities that come your way are a yay or a nay.
Sure, you want your jewelry line or new branding company to be a million dollar venture – and it can be. Don’t waste valuable time trying to find investors, greenlighters, or cheerleader before you move forward. You should definitely open yourself up to having support, but don’t wait to begin. The Universe rewards movement. Start where you are. What can you do today with what you already have?
Perfect is the enemy of good. Many of us have analysis paralysis. If you wait for your big vision, website, business cards or whatever to be absolutely perfect before you begin, you’ll never start. Perfection does not exist. The very idea of perfection keeps us small and puny. You are perfect in your imperfections. Begin.
So you have a big idea, dream, or goal. Wonderful for you. It is a gift to know your purpose and feel a calling. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you’re terrified. It is scary and downright frightening to put yourself out there. It’s all good. You are human. This is natural. Do not wait until you are not scared anymore to move forward. Feel the fear, acknowledge it, and rise into your shine. Fear just means that you are human. Courage is built in tiny actions.
All of us have experienced the little green monster. That envy is something else, isn’t it? The voice that says with an eye roll, “look at her!” The shine you see in anyone else is only because you have light within you too. Let go of comparing yourself or hating on someone else’s magic. Put the energy instead into you doing you. Use your envy instead as a valuable indicator of your own wants needs and desires. Then, genuinely send love to the other person and pray for their success. Say, yes, “look at her!” with a proud smile. Rising tides lift all boats.
Yes and no are such small words — but they dictate so much of our lives. You want to be the kind of woman who says yes when she means yes and no when she means no. This is true personal power. Saying yes when you don’t mean it is detrimental people pleasing. You are worthy of having your needs met — so spot it! Say yes, to big, bright opportunities. Say yes to your self-care. Say yes to yourself. Say no and have clear boundaries.
Sure, it helps if you have money or know people. However, you can start from scratch at any moment. There is a powerful movement of women entrepreneurs sweeping our country. The conglomerates are still doing their thing but small business owners are rocking it. IF you can’t find a job, figure out a way to create one. My mom sold Avon when I was a baby. My cousin in Guyana makes meals in her kitchen then rides from business to business on her bike selling healthy breakfasts and lunches. You have the power. You are the mistress of your destiny.
Becoming the mistress of your own domain will require you to step outside of your comfort zone. If your vision required comfort you would have already done it. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Step beyond what feels easy and comfortable. Partner with people who are strong where you are weak. If your goal requires you to get on stages and you have stage fright, get some coaching. If the players in your industry are all in Cali and you live in Detroit, meet with them virtually. I know a power publicist who was running things in NYC from her garage in Atlanta for years and none of her high profile clients knew the difference.
Haters are an irrelevant myth, like the bogeyman. Yeah, they exist but they have nothing to do with you. Eyes on your own lane. Don’t waste time wondering who is throwing darts from the sidelines. If you know who your haters are you are spending too much time thinking about losers who have no bearing on your success. If the hater is a boss or higher up don’t sweat it. Be clear on your vision, make your paper trail tight, manage your own brand within the company and online, and you will be a’ight!
Some people won’t get your vision. That’s okay. Here’s where fearless living and business courage comes in. They are not the ones who have to live your life. You don’t need to convince anyone of your greatness. Just be it, do it, live it. They will have no other choice but to lead, follow or get out of the way.
You have been given a mission. That mission is to become your extraordinary self. There is no one else who can do it but you. The mission will self-destruct unless you stop playing small.
Release the excuses and GO for it! Stop worrying about what other people think of you.Stop waiting for the right time. Stop waiting period.

How You Can Rock Your Vision with Business Courage
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