Our astrological conjure woman Grear is on point as usual. Hail to the Queen. She has a sacred following of equally powerful Astro people. As usual, we have left in all of the beautiful grammatically magical Grear-isms so that you can catch the delicious meaning of Mama G’s unique way of communicating horoscopes and life. Her fabulous opinions are all her own.
Thanks so much to our yummy, fear-less, love-more readers like YOU who LOVE the Lady Grear’s magical horoscopes as much as I do! Blessings and so much light, soul mates. -aa
November 2013 Astro-Column by Grear Turnbull
This month we have a solar eclipse in your sun sign on the 3rd. It’s taught that the solar
eclipse recharges your conscious mind. The lunar one–your subconscious mind. A re-charge
of any kind that’s Scorpio powered is major! We’re speaking fixed water, here. We’re
speaking Pluto and Mars, here. We’re speaking experiencing transformation, here. You choose
your thoughts and choose wisely cause it’s said that such an eclipse can have irreversible effects.
Don’t play with your mind. This is not only for the stinger but all of us; this eclipse will
affect us all. #Meditation. Clear your mind…let the healing begin.
The Scorpio we’ll feature this year is Whoopi Goldberg. I seem to never tire of watching
her movies, especially “Ghost.” Her book “Book” is a tome I can reread. When I catch
“The View” I always watch her body language/facial expressions and say to myself
“There’s a story in her silence…one she’ll never share. Secrets are ruled by Scorpio.
A true Scorpio.”
Remember her late night talk show y’all, “Whoopi Plus One?” I enjoyed it. ‘Was kinda bummed when it went off the air.
Yeah, it’s safe to say, I like Whoopi Goldberg. Happy B*Earth Day, you “7 of Clubs” you. <3
Scorpio, though Saturn is still stationed in your sun sign, with Mars & Pluto forming
serious aspects to the eclipse your enerGy will be on TEN! Vocally, you’ll feel very expressive. Just be mindful before spewing. Remember “eclipses” render irreversible states. Change for the good is well…Good! But in that other direction? Yeah, you get it. Speak with wisdom and sound timing.
- A make-over might inspire you inwardly in revolutionary ways…and others too. Have fun with it.
- A fated love affair shown. You know me. You know what I’ll advise: Delay. Delay. Delay.
- I would not play love games during anybody’s eclipse. But…the Scorpion? Y’all, in the
- natural sense…wouldn’t have it any other way. Play safe.
- Do be so willy nilly with finances. Think before spending.
There could be some fierce opposition by or on the full moon. Keep your ambitions under the
radar for as long as you can. ..which may be difficult with the rapid speed that things are revving to move. Stay on top of it.
If executed well and feeling well, ironically, after all the rapid fire speed of events end, the end of the month looks fruitful, promising–peacefully promising.
- Happy B*Earth Day Scorpio <3
Rapper Game and fellow Sag shared that his stage name came from his grandma always citing
how he’s “game” to do just about anything–especially where fun is concerned. With your
tenth house action the way it is for this month that’s “the spirit” your gonna feel steeped in, Game!
I say Go For It! Have that fun! Spread the joy! The world sure could use all the joy it can get.
There’s also something you are to start. Initiate. It has a “water component” attached to it. Take your dreams seriously (in general) this month. …they could reveal some great new invention.
You are usually conscious of “their” motives. This month take special care to also be conscious of yours. Self-seeing is hard for most. Let your guard down and tap in to the Cancer side of you (your opposite sign); see how you present in polarity. We know you’re ordinarily cautious but test how it’ll feel to be daring. Not in the “causing injury to others” sense, no; but in the “throw caution to the wind, let’s have fun” sense. Let’s go! Now, why is that classic Prince song coming to mind? Smiles…
A magnetic strong older feminine energy shown. She’s self-reliant and the life of the party. If this is not you, you’re likely to encounter her this month or the beginning of next month.
Keep a low profile if you can. Something about your tenth house [as an Aqua-collective] that
troubles me a tad. This just came to me, for inspiration, watch the 2004 movie “She Hates Me” with Anthony Mackie and fellow Aquarian beauty Kerry Washington. Now, the ‘unique’ way he found himself in to procure cash is NOT what I’m recommending you do. But the flick does
yield fiscal-netting inspiration. Forces that be not only blackballed him [Jack] from the industry they worked in but they froze his bank account–monies he earned honestly. He wasn’t suppose to financially survive that phase of his life [if they had anything to do with it], but he did. At…a high price. Make your survival worthy but not costly.
Try to chill wit’ making any major decisions while Mercury is still retrograde anyhow, but especially right before the eclipse or right after it. Tell them you’ll get back to them later.
All decisions you absolutely MUST make now, be sure to re-check, triple check; those i’s gotta be dotted–properly. T’s crossed–properly. Something or someone unethical shown. Stay woke!
When home meditate and or sleep to one of those twelve hour “rain/thunder” joints on youtube. This helps much, I hear.
[divider]Oh, and hold this quote near “You could be standing stark raving still and life will still happen to you.” ~J. California Cooper
Legal issues during retrogrades of any kind can be worrisome. But don’t let it be for you.
You can master this by avoiding courts altogether for November 2013. If you absolutely can’t, I’d visit a Botanicas before going, let the shop keeper know “what it is”, they’ll direct you from there. Heck, see if you can reschedule the date?
Refocus your agenda by reshaping it. What they call it in business? “Reorganizing.”
In other news–sweeter news. Your sweet tooth will be on swoll. If this isn’t healthy for you at this time, I highly recommend the “Chromium Picolinate”, research this product. Or…enjoy the juicy cakes, cookies, pies, candy…and…yes, the juicy sex–this too is shown. Be safe.
[divider]That email? Either send it or see them. Suggestion: Take ‘em to see “Romeo & Juliet” on Broadway.
Aries reality TV cast-member Tami Roman has said in a Youtube interview with some radio jocks that her daughters are a complete 180 of who she projects to be. I immediately wondered if they are Libras? Libra is 180 degrees opposite Aries. On the TV show she played on they {daughters} certainly came with a Libra vibe. I say all of this to say, Aries, please consider pulling from your polarity before acting, this month. You may really love the results–revolutionary! Gotta do different to net different.
Some kind of collaboration is shown. A collective effort to bring about a [collective] desired result. Libra is usually concerned about “the other guy.” Whereas Aries?…usually is not. Aries is the self sign, the me-first, and sometimes “only”, factor of the zodiac. If you can suspend that self-serving quality for the next thirty days…no, wait! You gotta acknowledge it first. The ego (also ruled by Aries) doesn’t typically allow us to honestly and wholly self-see. Once you see it, you can suspend it. Flip that coin and allow your Libra side to finally shine. Who knows? You may like the new lift your Libra loafers lend. 🙂
- You know who’s an Aries but strut with strong Libra energy? Sarah Jessica Parker, Cheryl “Salt” James-Wray, and Lelah Rochon. It’s doable. And you’re not being fake or phony. Our opposite polarity is in there, always been, just dormant. Sistar Myrah teaches that there really are six signs (due to opposite polarities) versus twelve. Every front has a back.
[divider]Be kind to yourself, Aries…and to others too. Smiles…
You too, be careful with contracts and the willingness to sign them at first blush. The eclipse is in a fixed sign, so fixed signs be on notice. As mentioned above, decisions made ‘round eclipse time, hard to reverse. Taurus Pusha T’s name of his group with his brother “Clipse” just came to mind, for some reason.
Anyhoo, tell them to see you in December, mid December with that paperwork. Relationships can be eclipsed too…watch your tongue and or avoid being around them if their tongue is sharp. S p a c e. It’s not necessarily a lonely state.
[divider]A helpful & generous Libra and or attorney shown.
Gemini, even non-astrologers are aware of your communicative and fun-loving nature. I’m telling you please don’t allow “talkin’” to morph to “tongue’in,” yes, tongue-kissing! Friendly folly can lead to fully fu*kin’! This intense sexy transit…yo! Now, you may be able to handle swingin’ an ep then returning to the platonic friendship as if “the ep” never went down. But can they? ‘Especially if they are a water or earth sun sign.
You’re grown. ‘Can’t tell you what to do. But…please just be mindful of their feelings. When feeling jilted they ain’t tryin’ to hear about some astro-transit. As hot as this astro-connection look? They may be “Glen Close inspired” versus astro-inspired. Although, it’s all in {astro} there–always was, always will be–whether believe or not. Why I love the stars so much. They gonna sparkle and coalesce no matter who down here looks up to them–literally and figuratively.
- I digress.
Have fun, yes. But with the mature & stable-minded. …can avoid a whole lotta avoidable heartbreak later. And with this solar eclipse on the precipice? In Scorpio no less? Chile, I wouldn’t play any games-of-the-heart at this time. Nope! And incur fixed Karma like that? Hell no!
The card pulled for the twins this month is the 8 of Cups. Someone will walk away from an emotional lot, you or them. Try not to allow this parting to run you into the arms of “dear friend.” If they are to stay dear, don’t… OK, off my soap box. You get it. 🙂
P.S. If you can’t resist. Just hold in mind fellow Gemini Nikki Giovanni’s share on affairs of the heart, paraphrasing: “Be young enough {at heart} to dive in with both feet, enjoy each other; then mature enough not cry when it’s over.”
P.S. II: And…can you email me all the juicy details…’ll be much appreciated.
Love me a love story. *giggles*
An older man with coins is shown. How so in relation to you, Cancer? Not clear. It’s up to you to be clear when such a fated encounter is upon you. He is driven and direct so you shouldn’t miss him.
You may feel a little lazy…but not lazy in love. You too, read a little of the Gemini passage above… “Partaking of the proverbial Forbidden Fruit” highlighted. Why such aspects during Scorpio’s season? Need you ask?
[divider]I ain’t got to say no more here. Again, read Gemini. If you have a Gemini moon or it’s on the ASC or…in the or on the 5th house, all the more potent.
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.” ~Unknown
If you have a spiritual teacher already, cool. If not, this month you just might be in luck. There’s a spiritual exercise, one that involves the Amethyst stone. Email me and I’ll disclose more details. But it’s written that this exercise helps you meet your teacher.
Emotional support is fine but seeking their approval? Not so fine. External validation is a dangerous drug to get hooked on [ego driven]. Yes, fire NEEDS oxygen to stay alive. This is an elemental fact. Oxygen, air, communication. So, I get it. You need communication. But be sure it’s healthy in its vibration not needy.
Ace of Wands. Initiate action with enthusiasm.
Yours is the sign of service and health. Suggestion: Listen to the song “Cater to You” by
Destiny’s Child, a R & B group whose lead singer just happens to be a Virgo too. Cater in love and care for your mate. If you are single then do these items for yourself. This is a month Virgos are to celebrate!
Your sexual appetite may peak. But. …if your partner doesn’t match your rhythm, the tryst may
be one you definitely regret/resent. Not good energy for such a good month [for you]. I recommend dancing with them beforehand. See how y’all move in sych on the dance-floor…this hustle shall reveal much.
[divider]#4 may show up.
Some Libras are known for procrastination. This month, I say “So What!” Take as much time as
you need before settling on something. Especially while this eclipse is in effect—a swift decision could have irreparable results. Yet, don’t procrastinate in worry. A lot of “changes” shown; especially with the home/housing.
Mental-ease is a must! Do all you have to {herbal teas, meditation, etc.} to ensure peace-of-mind. You’ll need such mental-clarity to see the sign[s]. Be observant of your surroundings.
Though it’s Fall, wearing light colors this month could lend a particular solace your heart has been craving for a long time. Fellow Libran actress Lisa-Raye McCoy loves her all white. If you don’t wanna embrace the “all white” this month… I know, as its said, “it’s an unforgiving color.”
Trust me, I get it. I’m a foodie from way back, wearing “all white” daily, for a month? What could I dare order in restaurants? Only clear or white foods? Food with color could… A stain? Oh noooo. Smiles…
But pastels, especially pale greens would be flattering for any Venus-ruled sign. I had this pale green cashmere sweater, just lovely I tell you–lovely! OK, I digress. Enjoy November, Libra.
Enjoy, period! 🙂
-Mama G
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