Kourtney Kardashian’s Diet Secrets on the Cover of OK Magazine… The headline excludes the fact that the magazine retouched her baby weight.

Reality star Kourtney Kardashian says NO to retouching. Well, OK Magazine never really asked her. You know how Hollywood begins a weight loss countdown the moment a woman gives birth, right?
Well this magazine cover says that sister Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian Odom are helping her lose the baby weight “fast.” I hope that Kourtney is not popping her sisters’ weight loss pils and breast feeding the baby.
Anyway, Kourtney is reportedly really annoyed that in addition to her “hunger free diet” the magazine cover took liberties to airbrush and photoshop out her baby weight. Good for you, Kourtney!
Check out my interview with actor Michael Beach about the movie America the Beautiful which talks about our national plastic surgery obsession.