What Do You Allow into Your Precious Body? Bombshell Academy Day #13 (VIDEO)

Passionista Principle: “I don’t like myself, I’m crazy about myself” ~Mae West 

Hey Rockstars!

It’s Day #13 of Abiola’s Bombshell Academy and we are talking about sex (sexual self esteem) and food. Very appropriate as this video series is sponsored by Terra Fossil Wines’ 30 Days of Wine Madness, a heart healthy campaign. 

Today’s Bombshell Belief is all about radical self love and extreme self care. “Be meticulous about WHO and WHAT you allow into your precious body.” If you are in love with yourself you will take special care of the incredible vessel that holds YOU together.

Looking forward to your thoughts so be sure to watch the rest of the series. Thanks to Kristal Mosley of iCreateTV for the fab editing.

Oh– and a special acknowledgement to Robin Curtner, creator and designer of Francesca’s Fancy Flops for the gorgeous flip flops in the video. Francesca’s Fancy Flops created a special pink ribboned crystal edition flip flop to support Breast Cancer Awareness.  

You should also watch 
Day 1, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”
Day 2. “What You Think Of Me Is None Of My Business.”

Day 3. “You DESERVE to be PICKY!”

Day 4, “Be the Designated Bitch.”

Day 5, “The Art of Self-Pleasure”

Day 6, “Positive Affirmations for Love”

Day 7, “There Is Nothing More Important Than Feeling Good.”

Day 8, “Bad Relationships Reflect Your Relationship”
Day 9, “The Nonconformist Life; Out of the Box”
Day 10, “What is Your Self Worth”

Day 11, “Manifest Abundance in Love”

Day 12, “Be Responsible for the Energy You Bring Into A Space”