
From Lisa Loeb’s “short skirt” to Abiola Abrams’ “nappy hair…”

THE PROJECT IS HERE. It was so much fun to be a part of this:

Iconic feminist magazine, Ms. Magazine, has recognized Facing Feminism: Feminists I Know, and will be mentioning the project, currently hosted through Empowerment4Women, in an upcoming issue! Keep an eye out for the feature, which is slated to appear in their calendar section!

This is a project in which, through portrait art and words, the many different faces of feminism are visually demonstrated. The project is designed to make a statement in contradiction to the stereotype, the one dimensional portrayal, of feminists, usually as stridently against makeup, fashion; graceful pursuits, that is dominant in the media. In addition to putting a more varied and representative face” to feminism, and thus being a tool for education and advocacy, this project aims to enlarge the current dialogue about what it means to be a feminist and also to help feminists conceptualize a philosophy of feminism that works for them. It will help to de-demonize the concept of feminism.

“Some feminists love wearing heels and perfume. Some don’t. Some have alternative lifestyles while some are stay at home mothers.” stated Annette M. Hyder, curator of the project. “Concomitant with the many things that distinguish feminists individually, there are the things that unite them: their strength and intelligence and their belief that they are entitled to equal opportunity in all spheres of life which is what the project is all about”.

Contact Annette Marie Hyder here.