Current mood: grateful

ok, i just saw the current episode of the best shorts and i apologize that my eyelashes are totally out of control. i am totally embarrassed but embarrassment builds character! right? right?!

my makeup artist & i are going to eyelash rehab. but keep watching– the eyelashes get better and we have some really exciting short films and interviews over the next few weeks…

back to completing another draft of my manuscript.

i’m having fun writing although on a too-short deadline as usual– there is something really incredible about creating characters and a whole world. i feel like a sorceress. i hope that y’all like the book. it comes out on december 11th and there is an excerpt right now on my site . it’s a hip hop love story, though not your typical…

my editor told me to cut 40k words, so that’s what i am working on right now. and y’all wanna know what a friend is? my girl patranila read my 500 page novel and gave me very helpful, serious criticism and feedback. thank you, p!

do you have somebody like that in your life, you know, folks who you can spread your dreams under their feet? if you don’t, look at yourself and think about what kind of friend you are. there’s an old saying (i think): if you want a friend, be a friend.

i used to be very isolationist, not hard to do because i really do enjoy my own company, and my work often is solo stuff like writing or editing, but we really do need each other and i have amazingly supportive peeps that i work and play with now. so get offa myspace and go connect!!!

…after you sample an abiola podcast of course…. and check out my film knives in my throat under my “videos…” and maybe even send me a note!


soapbox complete…


sunshine, love and your own personal independence,


back to writing…

Currently listening :
Nas: Living Legends