Attention Coaches & Service Providers: It’s time to learn how to power up your business by taking a break and get paid to work and play with clients all around the world…
Want to Get Paid to Hang Out with
High-End Clients…in Paradise?
Dear fellow coach,
Have you ever dreamt about jet setting off to another part of the world–and getting paid for it?
I mean, who wasn’t, right?
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’ve definitely had a thought (or ten) about what it would be like to be “one of those coaches” you see on Instagram, out there hosting luxury retreats in faraway places–riding elephants, meditating on the beach, coaching clients poolside–and getting paid generously.
Am I right?
Well, here’s the deal: As a coach, your options for income creation really are endless.
And yes, they actually can involve elephants, beaches and/or pools, if that’s what you desire!
But I get it. Right now, you aren’t spending your days sipping skinny margs poolside with clients who adore you and hang on your every word.
In fact, maybe right now, you spend most of your days hiding behind your computer, interacting with people via Skype and dreaming about getting away far more than actually doing it.
But guess what? You’re actually not the only one craving more in-person connection–and disconnection from other things–in a major way.
You’ve probably already got a handful of VIP clients who absolutely adore you and want to devour everything you create. And the truth is, there are always clients out there willing to pay top dollar for transformative experiences, personalized attention and of course, a little bit of luxury!
And that’s where transformative, luxury retreats come in!
The reasons high-end clients love retreats are simple. They offer:
But here’s the sweetest part: Retreats aren’t just game-changers for your clients, either.
See, if you do them right–if you can combine luxury with transformation, business with pleasure and work with play–just one successful retreat can boost your reputation as a high-end coach faster than anything else.
When you start hosting luxury retreats, you:
Now, I know you might be thinking:
“But am I ready to run retreats?”
“What if I try and mess up?”
“How do I actually handle the logistics of an entire retreat? There’s SO much to think about!”
Not to mention, “How can I make this a high-end retreat that actually delivers, and not just another run-of-the-mill retreat that overpromises and underwhelms?”
I get it. And let’s face it: Planning a retreat–especially an uber-luxurious one that’s attractive to high-end clientele–can seem daunting.
Maybe you’re afraid to risk your time, energy and (let’s be real) money for something with so many swirling parts.
Or maybe there’s just way too many details to consider–like, what to serve for dinner on night #1 to how to get your clients from the airport to the beach cabana to what workshops to include. Eek!
Or maybe you just truly don’t know where or how to get started.
Sound familiar?
Well, here’s the good news: Creating an elite retreat really doesn’t have to be so overwhelming!
In fact, there’s a step-by-step system you can follow to make sure you plan, produce and put on a fabulous retreat–from start to finish.
Yes, You CAN Host (and Rock!) a Luxurious Retreat–Even if You’re Brand New, Aren’t a Seasoned Traveler (Yet) And Definitely Don’t Consider Yourself an Event Planner!
If you truly want to create a luxurious retreat that gives people the transformation they crave–and the cash money you deserve–it’s time to learn how to run your own retreat, and make sure it doesn’t run you!
And while of course, you could always try to figure this all out on your own…
…You don’t have to just ‘wish for the best.’
If you want a retreat that’s the bomb (and not a total bomb), there’s a simple solution:
How to Host a Transformative Retreat for Your Elite Clients
During this self-paced course, I’m going to walk you through each and every step it takes to plan, create and host an elite retreat. You’ll learn how to:
Just take a look at everything you’ll learn inside this 4 module, self-paced course…
(Yep… you’re in for a real [re]treat!)
Module 1: Your Irresistible, Essential Retreat
Are retreats right for your business, right now? What makes your retreat unique? Why should your clients travel halfway across the globe to spend time with you? Module 1 will help you answer all these questions and so much more!
Module 1 covers…
Module 2: Location, Location, Location!
Ask any successful retreat hostess and she’ll tell you: Location is everything. And I don’t just mean sourcing a luxurious venue for your glam getaway: You also need to make sure you find the ‘right’ spot on the globe. Module 2 will walk you through all the things you need to do to find the perfect location for your transformative retreat, including:
Module 3: Work Hard, Play Hard
So, you know where your retreat is. But now the question becomes: What are you going to do once you get there? Module 3 will walk you through the 5 steps necessary to plan a retreat that strikes the perfect balance between working hard and playing hard.
You’ll learn:
Module 4: Treat Your Clients Like the VIPS They Are!
You’ve got the theme, the location and even the world-class content all teed up. Now, it’s time to really add a few finishing touches to amp up the transformation. Module 4 is all about special, unique ways you can make doubly sure each and every participant has an experience that truly transforms–and they return home a different person than when they came.
You’ll learn:
Set Up Your First (or Next) Luxe Retreat and Watch Your Business–and Your Clients’ Lives–Change, Forever
With a little careful planning and the step-by-step guidance I provide for you inside this course, you’ll be able to…
Ready to rock your high-end retreat?
Don’t get me wrong, fellow coach friend:
You don’t have to purchase this course. You can always try to wing (or Google) your way to a rad retreat. (You’re a smart one, after all.)
Or? You could receive a step-by-step blueprint that walks you through exactly how to create a highly-transformative luxury retreat, from start to flawless finish.
Here’s the thing: Both options work. But with my guidance, you won’t have to worry you’ve forgotten even one minute detail.
You won’t have to stress about whether you’re made a make-or-break mistake when it comes to marketing, meal planning, content planning or having the right accommodations in place.
And you definitely won’t have to wait even one more minute to start planning your first (or next) elite retreat!
It’s all right here inside this course, just waiting for you to dive in.
Yep: You can make money doing what you love…in serious luxury. And I’m ready to show you how.
Are you ready to rock your transformative retreat? Then let’s do this!
P.S. This course is backed by my 100% guarantee. If you feel it does not help you in any way to build a better, more satisfying business, simply email me for a fast, courteous refund.