“Around 2001, I started holding private Goddess Circles in my East Harlem apartment with friends and acquaintances. At one gathering, we passed around a rock as a talking stick, meaning whoever had the rock had the floor. It was a Saturday afternoon and beauties like the light worker Yolanda “Shoshi” Shoshana were present. A woman confessed that she was “sick of feeling dead inside.” Another co-signed. Each told a different version of the superwoman syndrome story: burning the candle at both ends, never feeling like you’re enough, caught up in trying to get “there” and then feeling lonely and like an impostor when you achieve success.
I felt all of this then, in my 20s, and it only became more intense. I grew up believing that the only way to be loved was through achievement. ” – From The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love
And by the way, that’s a flashback photo of me with my girl, Antoy Grant, in our women’s empowerment play, “Goddess City.” We created the ultimate healing empowerment spaces in theaters as our show covered controversial and taboo topics from colorism to female genital circumcision. My name was the Goddess of Nerve, Antoy was the Goddess of Fever, and Kimberly Howard, pictured with us, represented the Goddess of Truth.
Greetings Gorgeous,
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us at the #SacredBombshell Goddess Healing Circle in #Harlem, Manhattan!
Are you letting FEAR block you from launching your big dream, idea, or relationship? Yesterday, my goddess sister Tia Johnson joined me at Sisters Uptown Bookstore and Cultural Center in Harlem, Manhattan yesterday for a Sacred Bombshell Goddess Circle. Our objective was facing fear and creating a blueprint for your life.
Goddess Tia Johnson, intuitive healer, created The Violet Sanctuary Spa in 2010 and she is author of To Be Goddess: Every Woman Is A Goddess Discover Your Domain In Which You Reign Supreme. This powerhouse of a woman is an Organizational Dynamics graduate student at The University of Pennsylvania. Tia is an attuned Reiki practitioner, a Gateway Dream™ Coach, Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healer, an Angel Therapy Practitioner®. You’ll be able to join us (Tia and me) again soon for a Breakthrough Business Coaching group in Pennsylvania.
Yes! We all felt the energy of a triumphant shift toward our our power in Harlem, NYC yesterday. As the greats said in many different forms, nothing happens until something moves.
Here’s the room before we began and asked our participants to move into a semi-circle.
This is the original schedule we had planned but of course we adjusted and enhanced it in response to the needs of our amazing group:
- 3:00-3:30: Book signing, meet and greet
- 3:30-4:00: Invocation
- Tia intro & intentions, Abiola intro & intentions, group intro and intentions
- 4:00-4:30: EFT and reflections
- 4:30-4:40: Recharge Break
- 4:40-5:10: Guided meditation and reflection
- 5:10-5:30: “Present, Future, Near Future, Distance Future exercise” and feedback
- 5:30-6:00: Reiki and closing prayer
This was the original invitation for what we planned as an all-women’s workshop.
Want to Come to a Future Retreat or Empowerment Event with me?
Do you want to be energized to leap over FEAR and finally birth your big dream?
Do you need new energy? Join us!
When any one of us shifts toward sacred, and away from scared, we all shift as a human race.
Find my upcoming schedule here. It’s updated weekly.
I’d love you to come, share, meet other great people, and of course, support your own empowerment as we create a circle of support for your big dreams. We’ve been talking about women, friendship, and finding your tribe on the blog. Here’s your tribe!
With my new book, “The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love,” I wanted to do something very different than the traditional book signings. Every event that I invite you to will be small and intimate; where you can get charged up to step into your power!

And my Mom, Dad, and Sister were there — all writers!
Buy the Books for Your Empowerment Journey!
To Be Goddess by Tia Johnson
- Click here to buy Tia’s book on Amazon.
The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self Love by Abiola
- Click here to order Abiola’s book.