Positive Energy or Negative Energy? All Up To You; Bombshell Academy Day #12
Passionista Principle: “Please be responsible for the energy you bring into this space” ~Jill Bolte-Taylor
Today’s Bombshell Academy lesson comes to us from stroke survivor Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor via “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Be responsible for the energy that you carry with you. What does that mean? Watch the video!
This video is Day #12 of Terra Fossil Wine’s 30 Days of Wine Madness, a heart healthy campaign. Thanks to Kristal Mosley of iCreateTV.com for the superb editing. Happy Feet!! 🙂
You should also check out my fun Felix Rey bag that I got from the Dinner With Glam Fashion Week event at Fred’s Restaurant at Barney’s. Whoo HOO! Thanks team.
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Day 1, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”
Day 2. “What You Think Of Me Is None Of My Business.”
Day 3. “You DESERVE to be PICKY!”
Day 4, “Be the Designated Bitch.”
Day 5, “The Art of Self-Pleasure”
Day 6, “Positive Affirmations for Love”
Day 7, “There Is Nothing More Important Than Feeling Good.”
Day 8, “Bad Relationships Reflect Your Relationship”Day 9, “The Nonconformist Life; Out of the Box”
Day 10, “What is Your Self Worth”
Day 11, “Manifest Abundance in Love”